Sunday, April 29, 2012

"Love Means Never Having To Say You're Sorry" Wait... What?!

"Apologizing doesn't always mean you are in the wrong. Sometimes, you do it because you value your relationships more than your pride." - The Internet

Yes. I am an apologizer. It's what I do. I will almost always take the fall, or the blame, or the backlash, or whatever, simply because I value who I am with more than my ego. Not to say that I don't have an big ego, or a shit-ton of pride, because if you've met me you know that I do. I just find it easier to apologize. It makes the issue go away, and we move on faster.
Not to say that I don't get angry, because, boy do I! But, I get over it. I'll be pissed, or at least incredibly annoyed, for like three hours, go to sleep, and when I wake up, it's fine.
Example: the room mate and I are both artists.
She's got OCD, I have a huge need for organized chaos. She's a stage manager, I'm an actor.
We've found several compromises and we both do our best to see the other person's point of view and to talk about any issues with gentleness, honesty, and affection.
However... Sometimes you just have a day. We both had one yesterday.
The night before, she asked if she could have the apartment for the day. I said yes, provided I could make a super quick pit-stop mid-evening to grab stuff for the show I was doing that night. She said that was fine and asked for an estimated time which I gave.
Now, Seattle traffic is not always kind. Especially when you have a bridge that goes up and fucks up your whole time-table. She texts, annoyed that I'm not keeping to the appointed time. I text, annoyed at traffic. She responds, annoyed and my annoyance, I respond to her annoyance with annoyance, and so it goes. Finally I just say "fuck it" and go straight to the theatre, without my makeup, and a few key costume pieces. God Bless my other actors who were willing to loan me stuff to make my piece work. But, I showed up fuming, and all the other actors could feel it. I bummed a cigarette of one, had a glass of wine, calmed myself down, and went onstage and did my show. I then drove to my mom and dad's place, where they were thrilled to have me spend the night. (There are benefits to being an only child. Empty Nest totally works in your favor!) I went to bed pissed. Woke up annoyed. And at work, I thought.
Of course she was annoyed. I wasn't where I said I would be, when I said I would be there. Now, I may not have had much control over the situation, however, this was an opportunity to let it go. She's under a lot of stress right now, with work and the show she's stage managing and the other artistic projects she is working on. She needed a day, and she felt that I had created a wrinkle in her neatly ironed plans. I get it. My fault? No. Easier to apologize instead of continuing to be angry? Yes.
She had her "10 to 10" today, which is basically an all-day rehearsal in the space doing everything and anything you can to polish the piece and try to start working out all technical bugs. So after I got off work, I went shopping. I went and bought her a few goodies: peanut butter cups, socks, a gift card to chipotle, and a bowl. (Yes, a bowl. It was cute and she liked it.) I also baked her a cake. A German Chocolate cake. From scratch. I did all the dishes, and cleaned the entire kitchen (which I knew would appeal to the OCD in her). I left her pretty wrapped present and cake with a sweet card on our living room coffee table, and went off to the show.
I walked in the door, and she was just so happy to see me! She was so thankful for her day yesterday, and so pleased and surprised with the little present I had left... It was wonderful. Her energy was so much more positive, and uplifting, and healthy... She just needed a mental-health day, and I was able to give it to her, and make it better. And I feel so, so good about that.
In the 70's movie Love Story, there's this really stupid quote that flows throughout the whole movie. "Love means never having to say you're sorry."  
Bullshit. Love means saying sorry all the freaking time. Sorry I forgot to take out the garbage, Sorry I didn't return the library books, Sorry I wasn't where I said I would be when I said I would be there.
Love is all about sorry, because real love is valuing your person, and your relationship with that person, more that you value being right.
Perhaps this post comes off as preachy. I don't mean for it to. I guess it's just me working things out in my head. I'm much happier saying sorry than being right.
...well, most of the time, anyway.    :-)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I wish that when I was in my twenties I was half as people-smart as you are. Yes, a relationship (or longterm friendship) takes more than each person giving 50%. Each person needs to give 100%! As an aside, as long as you aren't the only one always doing the apologizing, you're fine!
