Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Happiness is Walking Hand in Hand

So, I have a new room mate. She moved in to my very spacious and lovely two bedroom apartment mid-August. Let's call her "Pepper!" Because that name is fun!

Pepper and I have been friends for oh... 5 years or so... I would definitely call her my best friend.

We found each other at a mutual friend's birthday party. At a club. We both felt out of place, and as I stepped out to have a cigarette, she asked if she could come smoke with me. We hung out and smoked and talked for a few hours, and then went our separate ways, only to bump into each other again at the house of another mutual friend. We connected and have since grown very close.

You know that quote from Grey's Anatomy? About Meredith and Christina being each other's person?
If not, here's a link:

Pepper is my person. Completely. She is an amazing, talented, kind, fun, funny, capable, hardworking woman, and I am so happy to have her in my life.

I was a little nervous about us moving in together; people always say that when best friends move in together it ruins the friendship. But you know what? I think it's made us better friends. I worked a full day, coffee in the morning, class in the afternoon, and came home cranky with a migraine. Pepper, having worked a full day herself, and in the middle of a project, have been so incredibly nurturing and loving. She cooked my soup, got me some water and an ice pack, and I am currently sitting on my couch blogging and sipping the chocolate milk she made me. I adore this woman.

So, in this season of thanksgiving, I can say that I am absolutely and completely and totally overwhelmed with gratitude for Pepper. She's one in a million, and I am so glad we clicked.