Friday, January 25, 2013

annoyed face

Is it too much to ask people to follow thru?

If you're going to do something, do it.

If you're going to be somewhere, be there.

If you make plans with me, keep your fucking plans.

I scored awesome hockey tickets to a game tonight. Box seats, VIP parking, super freaking sweet deal. And wouldn't you know... two of my people bailed on me at the last minute. We were supposed to be leaving in less than an hour. What the fuck?! Oh, and one of those people had volunteered to drive us. RAWR.

So now, I've got tickets to give away, a carpool to organize, schedules to shift, as well as the rest of the stuff I was going to cram in to the day.


...On another note, I think I'm moving to Portland in the fall.


  1. Portland? I love Portland! They have a great theater community.

  2. Almost nothing makes me more annoyed that when people don't follow through with what the say they will do!!
    And Portland is lovely. Closer to the ocean!
